4 Organizing Projects to Tackle This Spring

4 Organizing Projects to Tackle This SpringKitchen. Don’t look at your kitchen as one whole project. If you do, you’ll get overwhelmed, stressed and you’ll shut down and nothing will get accomplished. Break this project down into a couple of days. Start with the food pantry and refrigerator, and then move onto the cupboards. How many coffee mugs do you really need? Aside from food and housewares, is your kitchen a chaotic and disorganized space for paper, random items and a drop stop for everything when you walk into your home? Evaluate how you are functioning in this space. Think about what needs to stay in the kitchen and what can live in other organized areas in the home?

Bathrooms. Do you want to find extra time in the morning? Take a look at the systems in your bathroom. How many items do you have to touch to find the item you need? Is your makeup scattered all over the counter and disorganized? Create working organized systems in the bathroom and you’ll shave time off your morning routine.

Linen closets.A linen closet can be home to a variety of mixed category items. That doesn’t mean it has to be disorganized. How many sets of sheets do you really need? Get rid of sheets that are ripped or have lost their elasticity. What other items are you storing in this closet? Are they contained or just thrown all over this space? Categorize, itemize and store like items together contained in bins.

Garage.Are you able to park your car in the garage? Is it difficult to locate something when you need it? Has your garage become a storage shed with random items that you no longer use? The garage doesn’t have to be a chaotic mess. Empty the entire contents of the garage. Categorize everything on the lawn and think about how you want to function going forward. You’ll be able to use the garage for what it was intended to be used for, to park your car.

I don’t think anybody wants to be stuck in the house organizing in the summer months. Now is the time to tackle these projects. Don’t wait until next January to tackle every room in your home. Once you have tackled these projects, you’ll never have to spend time organizing them again. You’ll create working organized systems that will be maintained throughout the year.

If you are looking for closet organizing solutions in East Providence then please call 401-632-4640 or complete our online request form.